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 HVAC Tips for working from home

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, working from home became the new norm in 2020, and it appears that it is here to stay.

As you and your family are spending more time at home than ever, it’s even more important to ensure your home’s HVAC system is running effectively in order to provide a comfortable living and working environment.

In this post, we’ll go over some HVAC tips to help you create the ideal work-from-home environment.

Use a Fan

If your WFH workspace has a ceiling fan, turning it on can help you cut down on cooling costs during those hot Nashville days. A ceiling fan can also provide circulation throughout your home, improving the comfort level of your entire house. If you don’t have a ceiling fan, you may want to invest in a small desk fan or a standing fan. Just be sure to turn the fans off when you leave the room, so you don’t waste energy.

Zoning System

If you’re working in your main-level office, and the kids are working at the kitchen table, you don’t need to keep your entire home at the same temperature all day. A zoning system allows you to control temperature settings in different areas (or zones) or your home throughout the day. For instance, you can keep your home office more heated in the winter while lowering the temperature in the parts of the home that are unoccupied during the day. This will help you save money on your energy bills.

Air Purifier 

When you work from home, and the kids learn from home, it’s essential to make sure the air your family is breathing in constantly is free from toxins and chemicals. An air purifier can reduce dust and other particles in the air and provide you with a healthier home workspace. A whole-house air purifier will ensure your entire house has good indoor air quality (IAQ). What’s more, air purifiers can also help eliminate germs and get rid of odors in your house.

Change your Filters

HVAC units contain air filters that are responsible for trapping contaminants, dust, and other particles throughout your house. If you fail to change your air filters regularly, they can become clogged, which will lower your home’s air quality. Aim to check your air filters once a month and replace them with new, clean filters as needed. If you have pets at home, especially more than one pet, you may need to replace your car filters more frequently because air filters can become clogged with pet dander over time.

Dust Cloth

Surfaces in your home office can become dusty quickly, which results in poor IAQ. To prevent this, use a dust cloth on a regular basis to prevent dust buildup. Keep microfiber dust cloths on hand in your home office and other workspaces so you and your family can easily wipe down surfaces at the end of the workday.

These small tweaks and investments should create the ideal conditions within your home for a productive workspace for all!

Nashville HVAC Professionals You Can Trust

If you are in need of help keeping your home working and living space comfortable, contact the expert team at American Heating Cooling. Our team has been the trusted source for air conditioning and heating services in the Nashville area since 1981. Contact us today; let’s find a solution for you!
